Getting back to work after GMC Suspension

Q: What work can I do whilst suspended?
A: This will depend on the reasons for your suspension, bearing in mind that patient safety is always the most important factor. For example, you may be interested in a research-based job and, if the underlying issue is health related, and the research does not directly involve patient care, employers may be prepared to continue employment, with adequate supervision. If the suspension is due to misconduct, options outside of medically-related work may need to be explored.

Q: What happens after suspension is lifted?
A: After your suspension is lifted, again depending on the reason, returning to work shouldn’t prove to be a problem. Sometimes, the suspension may be altered to ‘registration with conditions’ which will allow you to work, but certain conditions will apply. The aim of these is to give some time to ‘remedy’ any deficiencies in your practice. Examples are regular supervision with a Postgraduate Dean or an educational supervisor or informing the GMC if considering working abroad.

Q: Will I still get paid by the Trust if I’m suspended?
A: This is likely to depend on your contract and/or whether the suspension is on ill-health or misconduct grounds. Either way, if the suspension is for over 6 months and you’re a GP, the CCG will remove you from the list of those entitled to practise so your contract, and pay, immediately lapses.

Q: If I am a GP Partner and have been suspended, is all locum insurance null and void or will it depend on the arrangement I have with my Partners?
A: Suspension is immediate. If you’re a GP Partner, your locum insurance may cover suspension – check the small print. A lot will depend on your relationship with your Partners and the specifics of your insurance.