LMC Referrals

LMCs can help us support GPs in times of need.

We welcome referrals from LMCs who are aware of a GP or a GP’s family who may benefit from our assistance. You may wish to contact us first to have a confidential conversation about a potential applicant’s circumstances and the type of support we may be able to provide.

We will send an application pack to you to forward to the applicant or the individual can download the application form. We will not contact the individual directly.

Our working relationship with LMCs is highly valued and we trust that it will be appreciated that we are not able to discuss the progress or outcome of an application without the applicant’s express permission.

Potential beneficiaries also need to be aware that they are likely to receive a visit from a local Trustee. If such a visit will create a conflict or similar difficulty we will find another Trustee to see the applicant.